Another night, Lord,
and our nation, our cities and our streets,
are restless with grief and anger,
our minds etched and our hearts seared
with images and memories, tragic and disturbing...
We can't unsee what we've seen, Lord,
we can't unhear what we've heard,
we can't bring back the lives we've lost...
We know what we want Lord,
and we know what we need
but we don't know how to get there - except to pray:
to pray you'll scour and cleanse our hearts
of prejudice and bigotry
- especially when we think ourselves
already free of both...
Help us see injustices we've not yet recognized,
help us hear the cries we've not yet heard,
help us understand the lives of brothers and sisters
whose stories we don't really know...
We're making a big request, Lord
- to fulfill it you'll need to give us
new eyes, new ears and a new heart:
but that's what we want,
certainly what we need
and definitely what we pray for tonight...
Whether we're awake or asleep, Lord,
protect your people and their cities and their streets,
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Change Our Hearts by Rory Cooney
Change our hearts this time,
You word says it can be.
Change our minds this time
Your life could make us free.
We are the people your call set apart,
Lord, this time change our hearts.
Brought by your hand to the edge of our dreams,
Brought by your hand to the edge of our dreams,
One foot in paradise, one in the waste;
Drawn by your promises, still we are lured
By the shadows and the chains we leave behind.
Now as we watch you stretch out your hands,
Now as we watch you stretch out your hands,
Offering abundances, fullness of joy.
Your milk and honey seem distant, unreal
When we have bread and water in our hands
Show us the way that leads to your side,
Show us the way that leads to your side,
Over the mountains and sands of the soul.
Be for us manna, water from the stone,
Light which says we never walk alone.

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