One thing I can always count on, Lord:
at the end of day comes night time...
I know that's neither novel nor profound
but I find it comforting and just now
- I'll take all the comfort I can find...
These days (and nights), Lord, I find comfort
in anything that happens as it always has,
in all that appears as you intended,
in anything faithfully serving its purpose,
in all that brings a certain rhythm to my life...
The night, Lord, conspires with the moon
to pull the rise and fall of tides, high and low,
in and out, in oceans deep and my heart's depths,
in a cadence so familiar, reassuring...
And night time often brings its share of fears and
shadows where my doubts feel free to frolic,
keeping me from rest and peaceful dreams
- but not tonight, Lord!
This evening I'll find comfort
when the end of day makes room for night
as indeed it always has,
and appears as you intended, Lord,
serving its appointed purpose, bringing rest and sleep
and starlight, just enough light,
to remind me: you are there...
Protect me, Lord as this day ends,
watch over me through the night ahead
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in comfort and in peace...
Creator of the Stars of Night by Marty Haugen
(1st verse in Latin, 2nd verse translates; remainder in English)
1) Creator alme siderum,
Aeterna lux credentium
Jesu Redemptor omnium
Intende votis supplicum
2) Creator of the stars of night,
who shaped the sky’s eternal lights
O Christ redeemer of us all,
bend near and hear us when we call.
3) O love that wore our human form,
O tiny child of lowly birth,
Let now your love be born in us
‘til peace and justice fill the earth.
4) Give us a love that never dies,
a vision of the world to come:
when all oppression fin’lly ends
and all the homeless find a home.
5) When children teach the strong and proud,
when all the hungry have their fill,
when rich no longer use the poor,
when guns and bombs no longer kill.
6) O God who brought all life to earth,
O Christ who wore love’s human face,
O Spirit making life anew,
grant us your wisdom, love and grace.

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