No, it's not "just another day," Lord...
It's a new day, a different day,
a day that's never dawned before
in all of human history
- and will never come again...
It's a new day challenging me
to do what is just,
to love what is good
and to walk humbly right by your side...
Today offers me a fresh start,
a second chance,
a clean slate,
a new beginning!
This brand new day is:
a present to be opened,
a story to be written,
an opportunity to be taken,
a mystery to be lived...
Open me up, Lord,
to all the peace and happiness
you might offer me today...
Be my strength
if this day brings its share of
troubles, trials and tears...
Give me a heart
to spend this day in serving others
and in serving others
to serve you, my Lord and God...
Help me remember, Lord:
this isn't "just another day,"
that it's ANOTHER DAY,
a day that you have made,
a brand new day, indeed!

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