
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 6/16

Photo by Dan Tobyne

Your colors, Lord:
    a perfect blend of muted blue horizon,
    ocean bridal white, la plage café au lait..
Your textures:
    foggy, lacy, granular,
    fluid, layered, misty,
    gritty, frothy, moist...

Your movements:
    subtle ebbing, shifting slowly, ever flowing,
    overlapping, meeting, touching,
    heaven kissing, earth embracing,
    dancing footprints in the sand,
    soft impressions of your presence...

Color my whole world, Lord,
   in shades of your grace;
texture my soul,
    weaving mercy with love;
move in my life
    as the tides at the shore:
faithfully, graciously,
    ebbing and flowing
all day and all night
    ’til my life’s one with yours...



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