
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 7/23

Everyone's excited by Neowise, Lord:
this comet's been around since 980 B.C.
and won't pass by Earth again 
for another 6,800 years...

But far more amazing to me, Lord, is - the moon...

Our heavenly nightlight is 4.5 billion years old
and in all that time hasn't once failed 
to visit us and light our way: 
Every. Single Night.
for 4.5 billion years...

True enough, every month, 
the moon's glow waxes and wanes - but you know what, Lord?  
So do I!
Like the moon, I go through "phases."
I have my lighter and darker moments:
times when I shine and times when I don't;
and times when I seem to have gone into hiding.

Who knows better than you, Lord, 
how easily my own light can be shaded, 
overshadowed, by just a few clouds passing by...

Comets are passing fancies, Lord,
but the moon is my faithful, nightly friend:
your presence hovering over my dreams,
your Spirit aglow in my soul,
your promise that, yes, yours is the light
no darkness can overcome...  

So, if I spy Neowise crossing my path
I promise I'll give a respectful nod - but 
when, tonight, the moon shines bright
I'll open my heart in thanksgiving and praise
for your light, O Lord, safeguarding my sleep
and guiding my steps to the dawn...

Protect me, Lord, while I lie awake
and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your moonlit peace...


The Moon by Andy Beck, performed by Koorschool Senta

O moon, shining in the night
O moon, are you listening?
O moon, silvery and bright
come again tomorrow night

Nighttime will soon be done
bringing the morning sun
where will you go, what will you do
while you are gone I'll wait for you

O moon, shining in the night
O moon, are you listening
O moon, slivery and bright
come again tomorrow night…

Daylight is coming soon
where will you go, O moon
over a cloud, under a hill
see you tomorrow night I will

O moon…


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