Dave, a friend, sent me this photo, Lord:
he "scanned" himself at CVS
and suggested we might ponder this image
as we stop and pause for prayer...
(I like the way Dave thinks - and prays!)
My worth? my price? my value?
Only you know the answers here, Lord,
but you've given me many hints and clues...
You've told me:
- I'm made in your image,
in your divine image - I was created
- I'm the apple of your eye
- You love me with an everlasting love
- You will dance and sing on account of me,
out of love for me
- I'm worth more than many sparrows
- You have numbered every hair on my head
- I'm no longer your servant -
you call me your friend
- You're my shepherd
and I'm the lost sheep you seek
- You came that I might have life
and have it in abundance
- You want to share your joy with me
and for my joy to be complete
- You humbled yourself out of love for me
- You suffered and died on the Cross for me
- You freely forgive my sins and offenses
- You have prepared a place for me
in your Father's house
- No calamity can separate me from God's love
shared with me through your grace
- As your Father loved you, so you love me
- You send your Spirit to counsel and teach me,
to lead me and guide me
- You will raise me up on eagles' wings
and hold me in the palm of your hand...
Nothing and no one can scan
the height and depth, the length and breadth
of the love you have for me, Lord,
so open my mind and heart today
to help me know how great is the love,
how sweet the grace, how deep the mercy
you offer and share with me...

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