I guess you don't take holidays off, Lord,
(not even Christmas or Easter!)
since you're working 24/7/365...
So, clearly, Labor Day's NOT a day off for you
since you're the ultimate worker!
But sometimes it seems
that you've called in sick or taken a vacation day
because sometimes it seems like maybe, just maybe,
you've fallen asleep at the switch:
I know you haven't -
but sometimes, like these times,
it seems that you have,..
So help me remember tonight, Lord:
your eye is ever upon us,
your guiding hand's always near,
your Spirit faithfully leads us
and you'll bring us through somehow
because you're still working among us,
still working even now...
Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake
and watch over us, keep working on us,
even while we're asleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
(Before you listen, you might take a moment
to think of where in your life you're wondering
if God might be taking some time off...
Tonight's song won't rock you to sleep
but I hope it will rock your faith!)
God Is Working by Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
God is working, he's still working
God is working even now
Though we often don't know just how
God is working, he's still working,
God is working even now!
God is working, he's still working
God is working even now
Though we often don't know just how
God is working, he's still working,
God is working even now!
Though you cannot see and you can't quite understand
Remember God is still in control
He has promised to bring us through some how
And he's working - even now!
Hallelujah, he's working even now
Hallelujah, he's working even now
Though we often don't know just how
God is working, he's still working
God is working even - now!
Hallelujah, he's working even now
Hallelujah, he's working even now
Though we often don't know just how
God is working, he's still working
God is working even - now!

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