On September 11, 2001, Lord,
firefighters and first responders rushed into harm's way,
in New York City and Washington, DC,
putting their lives on the line,
to save human life and property...
And now in California, Oregon and Washington,
firefighters and first responders once again stand
in the face of raging fires,
putting their lives on the line once again,
for their sisters and brothers threatened by natural disaster
and the loss of their homes and belongings, indeed their lives...
And along with all who perished on 9/11
these brave and selfless souls have been remembered today
in memorial services and moments of silence
and prayers and speeches, and tributes and song,
all beautiful, fitting and helpful for us who mourn
family and friends, neighbors and colleagues...
Hear our prayer, Lord, for these women and men
who willingly lay down their lives for us:
no love greater than this is known in all of humankind...
Protect those, Lord, who spend their lives,
night and day, saving and protecting ours:
be their courage, strength and shield
and guard them 'neath the shadow of your wings...
Protect us all, Lord, as we lie awake
and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with Christ
and asleep, rest in his peace...
Psalm 23 by Stuart Townend

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