
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 1/10

So many things seem unsure, Lord,
things we never gave a second thought to,
things we could always count on,
things we took for granted,
things we thought would always be there,
always be ours..
But now we're unsure of the simplest things:
personal freedom
truth in the news
accountable authority
selfless motives
honest service
a word given
safe streets
   how to get from here to there,
   when we'll get from here to there,
   if we'll get from here to there...

But we're sure of you, Lord,
sure of your love,
sure of our goodness
sure of your faithfulness,
sure of your mercy,
sure of the truth of your word,
sure of your promise to be with us,
to lead us, to guide us
from here to there...

Lead us, then, Lord, 
from falsehood to truth,
from despair to hope,
from fear to trust,
from hate to love, 
from war to peace
from today to tomorrow,
from death to life,
from here to there, Lord,
from here to there, by your side...

Protect us, Lord, when we feel unsure
and watch over us night and day
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...



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