
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 1/7

The scriptures name you in many ways, Lord:
and I'm glad of this 
because these days I need you 
in so many ways...

Be my Rock, Lord:
sure footing at the ocean's edge,
secure upon the wind-lashed shore...
Be my Light, Lord:
pierce the darkness all around me,
chase away what clouds my soul...
Be my Refuge, Lord:
my shelter, my home, my hearth, 
my place to dwell in peace...
Be my Shield, Lord:
protect me from the shrapnel 
of hate and anger, harm and discord...

Be my Shepherd, Lord:
seek  and find me, bring me back
when I'm lost in doubt and fear...
Be my Rock, my Light, my Refuge,
my Shield and faithful Shepherd;
I need you, Lord, in all these ways,
in your holy name I place my trust...



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