
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 5/28

In the past week or so, Lord,
I've received a larger than usual number 
of comments, messages, emails and texts
from readers sharing their gratitude
for these morning and evening prayers...

And as you know, Lord,
I'm grateful for the opportunity to write these posts
because the task itself draws me to you in prayer
and then to prayerful communion 
with all who stop in here "for a visit..."

We are a community of prayer, Lord:
   our church - a virtual chapel
   our candle - a digital image
   our prayer book - a post on a screen
   our choir - the voices of mp3...

But the people who gather here, Lord,
   - the people are real time -
and our prayers rise up from hearts and souls
that ache, rejoice, weep, laugh 
and come to find you 
in the words we pray and songs we sing
from our laptop, iPad and smart phone pews...

So tonight, Lord, 
I pray for all who gather here,
whatever be their time zone
   I pray for all who pray with me.
      and I pray that all pray for me
   and I trust we'll pray together,
      each one for all the others... 
(Let's take a quiet moment here to lift to the Lord
the prayer in each of our heart's tonight  
and then pause, in silence,
to pray for one another and one another's needs...)

protect all those still wide awake,
and watch over those now fast asleep
that awake we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest deeply in your peace...


I Have Prayed For You by by Mark Hayes and Randy Cox

I have prayed for you
that your faith is still held fast.
I prayed for you,
a guard against the tempest
Every time you’re brought to mind,
every prayer you’ve left behind.
I have raised you up on high,
I have prayed for you.

I have prayed for you
that God’s will is your guide.
I pray for you that you are led each day.
Every time I sense you there,
every time I knelt in prayer,
and in all this world of care
I have prayed for you.

I will pray that God’s strength
will hold you in the arms
of the One who gave his all for you.
I will pray every day
that this life of faith remains close
to my heart and mind.

I will pray, I will pray,
I will stay on my knees,
I will pray for you today.

God, who hears in all the secret places
will attend to our every plea.
All we ask, all our desires will be answered
in God’s own time, God’s own time.

I will pray that God’s strength
will hold you in the arms
of the One who gave his all for you.
I will pray every day
that this life of faith remains close
to my heart and mind.

I will pray, I will pray,
I will stay on my knees,
I will pray for you today.


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