It was another scorcher, Lord,
the kind of heat that drains our strength
and strains the grid, leaving us powerless,
bent as wilted blossoms, parched and dry
in the noon day sun...
But summer's warmth's no more a curse
than heat that bakes the loaf of bread
or fires clay pots in the kiln
or flames with beauty on the hearth
or presses sweat from honest toil...
Heat and cold, sun and rain,
summer, fall, winter, spring:
all ways for you to touch us, Lord,
and make your presence felt as deep
as the marrow of our souls...
Not long ago we cursed the cold and prayed
for warmth, for spring, for summer days
- but now our temperamental tastes
seek onshore breezes 'til autumn comes
when once again we'll mourn the loss
of summer's heat and sunshine's healing warmth...
Be patient with us, Lord,
when you send warm summer days:
bake us as bread for breaking
and make your presence felt, deeply,
in the marrow of our souls...
As the sun sets and the evening cools,
protect us while we're still awake
and watch over us as we sleep, Lord,
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
It's a bit odd to offer a song titled "Here Comes the Sun"
just at the time of day when the sun is setting! But after
the pandemic's "long cold, lonely winter" and just as
"smiles are returning to our faces" - George Harrison's
simple tune seems just right!
Here Comes the Sun by George Harrison
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