
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 8/21

This day turned out to be MUCH busier than I expected 
so I've gone into the archives for tonight's prayer (as
always, with a little editing). Seems that a year after
writing this - I'm still jealous! 

I'm jealous, Lord,
when I see a small child in someone's arms..

I try to remember how that felt:
    to be held so closely, carried so gently,
    rocked and lullabyed in arms more than able
    to hold the whole of me
    in warm and loving comfort...

How is it I can't remember, Lord,
how could I have ever forgotten
the pure intimacy of those arms holding me,
surrounding me, supporting me, protecting me,
hugging me close, just a heart beat's distance
from another's beating heart...

I can't remember that far back, Lord,
but I trust without a doubt
that in the morning and the evening:
    you hold me, you carry me,
    you cradle me in arms more than able
    to hold the whole of me forever,
    in warm and loving comfort...

You still hold me and carry me,
I'm still your child, Lord,
at 74 or 54 or 24 or 94....
Everywhere I go,
I go there in your arms:
    in good times and in hard times,
    in my waking and my sleeping,
    I'm still a babe in arms
    and you're still my loving God... 

Awake or asleep, Lord,
hold and protect me in your arms
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

If the music widget doesn't appear below, click here!
In The Morning, In The Evening by Adam Tice/Bex Gaunt
In the morning, in the evening,
God is holding you, holding you
In the daytime, in the night time
God is holding you still

Anywhere you may go
God will go with you
Anywhere you may go
You are God's child

In the mountains, in the ocean
God will carry you, carry you
In the forest, in the cities
God will carry you still

In the good times, in the hard times
God will stay with you, stay with you
In your waking, in your sleeping
God will stay with you still




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