
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 8/19


As schools open, the debate about masks and vaccinations
increases in rhetoric and heat.  Tonight's prayer calls on
the Holy Spirit to guide our deliberations and lead us to
what's best for the welfare of all...
Dear God, send us your Spirit, with wisdom:
    for making decisions for students returning 
    to day care, preschool and kindergarten, 
    elementary, middle and high school,
    tech and trade schools and college...
Send us your Spirit, with counsel:
    to cool our heated opinions, 
    to temper our conversations,
    to inform our deliberations
    and to shape our decisions, policies and rules...
Send us your Spirit, with patience:
    to lead us from partisan passion
    to impartial, respectful consensus
    and plans to serve the welfare of all,
    the common, greater, collective good...

Send us your Spirit, with knowledge:
    to open our eyes, our minds and our hearts;
    to focus our vision, sharpen our insight,
    lead us to facts and help us discern
    what you'd have us do     
    for our children, ourselves and the world...
Send us your Spirit to bend us, Lord,
    when we're stubborn, unyielding and rigid...
Send us your Spirit to move us, Lord,
    where we're stuck, entrenched and dug-in...

Send us your Spirit to mold us, Lord,
    in your truth, in your ways, in your peace...
Send us your Spirit, A.S.A.P.
    we need your help, Lord - we need it now! 
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

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Send Us Your Spirit by Dan Schutte, sung by Chris Brunelle

Send us your spirit, O Lord.
Evening enfolds us and holds us too near.
Wake the morning light.
Make our living bright.
Shine on our darkness, O Lord

Hold us with mercy, O Lord.
Sorrow has spoken, has broken our hearts.
Clothe us in your care.
Be the life we bear. Feed us and fill us, O Lord.

Teach us your wisdom, O Lord.
Shadows have clouded, have crowded our sight.
Give us hearts that see. Set our loving free.
Hear us and help us, O Lord.

Send us good summer, O Lord.
Winters have chilled us and stilled us too long.
Give us love's own fire. Be our true desire.
Send us your spirit, O Lord.




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