
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 9/16

Evening's upon us, Lord:
    time to turn one more page 
        in this chapter of my life...

We all have a story, Lord,
    we all have a story to tell...
Part of my story is an open book
    - even casual observers can take a look...
But much of my tale is known only to those
    who've had a share in my story
who've shared in a chapter or two
    from the archives in my heart...
And of course you, Lord,
    you know my whole story, chapter and verse;
you even know the end of my story
    which is still a mystery, even to me...
I'm grateful for all who are part of my story, Lord:
    those who've read and shared the pages
        of my tender, troubled, treasured times...

But most of all, Lord, I'm grateful to you:
    you who know the whole of my story
        - and love me still
    you who know my character's tragic flaws
        - yet never fail to forgive me
    you who know my story's deepest secrets
        - and keep them safe between us
    you who know how truly ordinary my story is
        - and yet savor every word...
    you who read me like a book,
        - but never tire of my saga
And most wonderful of all:
    you, the source, the author of every story,
you've carefully written, threaded and woven  
    your gracious story into mine...
My story began in you, Lord,
    your fingerprints are on its every page,
and my story will conclude in you,
    in an epilogue, I pray, 
        of peace that never ends...

We all have a story to tell, Lord,
    and I pray my story and yours
become more and more but one story,
      the story of your love everlasting love...
Protect me, Lord, as I lie awake
    and watch over me as I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
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