
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 9/17

Some nights, Lord, 
and tonight is one of them,
some nights the best prayer, 
the most genuine prayer,
the only prayer I can make
is to open myself to you
    and breathe in your presence,
    breathe in your Spirit, 
    breathe in the grace of being with you
        at the end of another day...
Some nights, Lord,
and tonight is one of them,
some nights my best prayer,
the prayer of my heart, 
my only prayer
    is a simple nod in your direction,
    a quiet thank you for my blessings,
    a silent agreement that we are one:
        I am yours and you are mine...
Some nights, Lord,
and tonight is one of them,
some nights my best prayer,
the prayer that's truly mine,
my only prayer
    has no words, no cry or plea,
    no shape or form or sound
    and yet it echoes, pure in tone,
        forever in your heart...

Some nights, Lord,
and tonight is one of them,
my secret prayer,
my hidden prayer,
my only prayer 
    is to be with you,
    to trust in you
    and rest in you,
        a child in your arms...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...


Tonight's song, Spiegel im Spiegel (Mirror in a Mirror) 
is from one of my favorite composers, Arvo Pärt. This 
minimalist, instrumental meditation for piano and cello is 
perfect for today's Night Prayer... 
If a video doesn't appear below, click here!




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