
Pause for Prayer: SATURDAY 9/11

On this 20th anniversary of 9/11, I'm offering several starting points for your prayer and reflection.  
1) The homily I preached on the 10th anniversary
       when it fell on a Sunday.
2) A Pause for Prayer in the usual format
3) "When Sudden Terror Tears Apart,"
       a hymn written by Carl Daw just after 9/11/2001
Homily 9/11/11

It was a beautiful, bright-skyed September morning
and as I left Our Lady’s Church after Mass,
Ann Gallagher stopped me and told me
a plane had flown into the World Trade Center.

On the way back to the rectory,
I remember thinking that the news was probably exaggerated,
that some small aircraft, off its flight plan,
might have nearly clipped the Tower
but certainly hadn’t flown into it.

(Confronted with tragedy,
the mind and spirit will often rush to recalculate the facts
in an effort to make them fit a more comfortable framework,
a more acceptable reality.)

But the news and Ann’s report of it were accurate,
even if incomplete:
not one but two planes in New York;
and another in Shanksville and another in Arlington.

The most painful moments in our lives
are often those that bring us to God.

When our eyes can’t believe what they see,
and our ears can't believe what they hear;
when our souls are too small to hold the grief that fills them,
when our hearts are too angry for any peace to enter;
when no recalculation of the facts
can stand up to the tragedy before us,
we often turn to the Lord:
hoping that through his eyes
we might see something different, something brighter;
that in his arms
our hurt and grief might find healing;
that in his heart
we might savor some moments of longed for peace.

But often enough, in just such times,
the Lord calls us to a further recalculation.

He doesn’t ask us to re-imagine our reality
but rather, to recalculate our response to it.

As he does in the scriptures today.

The Word today addresses the minds and hearts
of people who are unjustifiably wronged,
angry, hurt, grieving, wrathful and vengeful.

The Lord knows well what they’ve suffered
and yet he calls them to recalculate
not their reality - but their response to it.

He tells them,
Let go your anger and hate -- don’t hold on to them.
Vengeance is mine to take, says the Lord -- not yours.
Forgive those who have treated you unjustly. Forgive them!
If you want your heart healed, don’t feed it with anger.
If you want to be forgiven - - pardon those who have offended you.

Hard sayings, indeed.
And our first response might be to try to soften the hard saying.

I don’t think God means that in THIS situation!
But yes, in every situation God is ready to forgive
and calls on us to be merciful, too.

Some things just can’t be forgiven!
Not so.
All wrongs, and therefore any wrong, can be forgiven,
even the most heinous.

I can’t accept the evil that was done!
Of course not - we should never accept evil.
The Lord doesn’t ask us to condone or accept any wrong-doing,
but the Lord does ask us to accept, to forgive
the neighbor who wronged us,
just as the Lord accepts and forgives us
when we offend him.

How will the Lord’s Word today help us recalculate our response
when someone wrongs us?

Let me suggest,
it’s probably best not to start by trying to love Al Queda
or the 19 terrorists who executed the horror of 9/11.

Better to start closer to home - although this might be more difficult.

I need to learn to forgive the family member or neighbor,
the friend or colleague or schoolmate
who wronged me, hurt me, betrayed me,
cheated me, abandoned me...

I need to find a place in my heart
for someone I’ve kicked out of my heart,
even a place for those who've kicked me out of their hearts.

I need to find compassion and understanding
for those who have hurt me,
just the kind of compassion and understanding I hope to find
when I’ve hurt someone else.

I need to find a place in my heart to forgive
as I have been forgiven.

I need to learn
that when I forgive someone who has offended me,
the first person who is freed of the burden of the offense
-- is me.
I let it go.

It’s easy to believe that the greater the wrong done to us,
the more leeway is ours for anger and vengeance.
But the Lord calls us to a much higher standard.
The greater the harm done,
the greater the love the Lord calls us to offer.
And the standard for such love is the Cross of Jesus
on which the most Innocent of all laid down his life
for all of us, sinners.

As he gave himself for us on the Cross,
so he gives himself to us at this table,
on the altar of the Eucharist,
where, from his heart, he forgives us, his brothers and sisters,
and calls us to forgive one another.

Pause for Prayer
Gracious God,

All good gifts come from your hand:
    into our clumsy grasp
    you entrust the precious realities
    of life, justice and peace.

We remember this day
    how fragile is the gift of peace
    and how vulnerable are we
    in each other’s hands.

We remember those who died
    and those who mourn their loss...

We remember those whose courage
    gave us a new model for bravery...

We remember those who gave their lives
    in their selfless efforts to save others...

We remember that day, that sunny morning
    when the borders of our nation
    were broken through 
    to the depths of our hearts...

We remember and we pray
    for the healing and peace
    that only you can give,
    that you call us to share...

Bring us to the day, O God,
    when war is but a memory
    and peace our way of life...

Bring us to the day, O God,
    when the harvest of justice
    will nourish the people of all nations...

Hasten the advent of that day, O God
    and let our pride not stand in its way... 
Give us peace, O God,
    the peace for which we pray,
    the peace for which we plead,
    the peace that's only yours to give...

If the video does not appear below, click here!
When Sudden Terror Tears Apart by Carl Daw

When sudden terror tears apart
the world we thought was ours,
we find how fragile strength can be,
how limited our powers.

As tower and fortress fall, we watch
with disbelieving stare
and numbly hear the anguished cries 
that pierce the ash-filled air.

Yet most of all we are aware
of emptiness and void:
of lives cut short, of structures razed,
of confidence destroyed.

From this abyss of doubt and fear
we grope for words to pray,
and hear our stammering tongues embrace
a timeless Kyrie.

Have mercy, Lord, give strength and peace,
and make our courage great;
restrain our urge to seek revenge,
to turn our hurt to hate.

Help us to know your steadfast love, 
your presence near as breath;
rekindle in our hearts the hope
of life that conquers death.
Rev. Carl P. Daw, Jr. wrote this hymn to commemorate the terrorist attack on the World Trade 
Center towers and the Pentagon September 11.  (Hope Publishing Co.) 




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