One quality very much lacking in current debate and discourse is the virtue of civility. I found the text below at website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and offer it here for our prayer and consideration...
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where uncivil words prevail,
show me how to model love.
Help me remember the God-given dignity of all
and invite others to do the same.
Show me how to build bridges and not walls
and see first what unites us
rather than how we diverge.
Let me seek to understand
before asking to be understood.
Give me a listening heart
filled with empathy and compassion.
May I be clear in sharing my own position
and respectful and civil in describing those of others.
Let me never tolerate hateful ideas.
May I invite all to charity and love.
Lord, help me to imitate your compassion and mercy.
Make me an instrument of your peace.
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