
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 7/24

There is  no end, Lord,
to all I have to thank you for,
no end to all the reasons I have
to praise you for your blessings...
Were I to sit down and begin to write,
to make a list of all I'm grateful for,
the list would become lists
and the lists would become chapters,
the chapters would grow into books
and the books would numbered
as volumes in a series...

Who knows how long the index would be?
Imagine the items listed:
    life: pure gift, renewed daily, promised forever
    family: of origin; neighborhood; parish 
    friendships: early, passing, nurturing, long-lasting, new 
    blessings: remembered, forgotten, shared
    healings and mendings of broken:
        hearts, relationships, misunderstandings
    hopes and dreams: realized, achieved and pending
    wisdom: human, divine, revealed, learned, shared
    imagination: creativity, beauty, art and music
    mercy and forgiveness: every hour of every day of every year
    freedom and  liberty: cherished and taken for granted
    knowledge: awe and wonder, enlightenment and opportunity

That's just a quick list, Lord, off the top of my head!

More to thank you for than I can account for!
More to praise you for than I have words or song!
More to be grateful for than even my grateful heart can hold!

So this Sunday morning, I'll try to keep it simple.
Here are three gifts, Lord, 
    for which I want to thank you:

1) __________________________________

2) __________________________________
3) __________________________________
And here are three reasons, Lord, 
    for which I want to praise  your generous heart:
1) __________________________________

2) __________________________________
3) __________________________________
That's such a paltry beginning, Lord,
    but it is a beginning
and a good way to begin this week,
    in praise and thanks for your gifts to me!




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