
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 9/9

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I take so many things for granted, Lord:
my life, my health, my work,
my family and my friends,
the roof over my head,
the food on my table,
the freedom of my homeland...

Help me grow in appreciation and gratitude
for all that I have,
for all that comes my way each day,
for the bounty I enjoy in this world
in a world where so many go without...

Help me grow in generosity in sharing all I have
when so often I have so much more than I need
and, sometimes, even more than I want...

Help me simplify, simplify, simplify!
Help me let go of what I don't need
and what I don't want;
help me let go of what seduces and distracts me;
help me let go of what holds me back,
keeps me down, ties me up
and knocks me off balance...

I take so many things for granted, Lord...
Most of all, Lord,
help me not take YOU for granted...

Help me not take your love for granted
even though you give it so freely...

Help me not take your patience for granted,
excusing myself for how long it takes for me to change,
and for how slowly I grow faith and trust...

Help me not take your mercy for granted:
I don't deserve or merit your pardon -
the greatest gift I could ever receive...

Help me not take your presence for granted, Lord:
you never leave my side
no matter how often or how far I wander from your path;
you're always there -
help me not take that for granted...

Help me not take anything about you for granted, Lord,
for there is in my life nothing greater,
nothing more valuable, nothing more precious
than the hope I find in your love for me...


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