I'm an easy mark for advertisers, Lord
- especially 'round this time of year.
Tell me something's on sale
and you know I'm gonna wanna have it
- regardless of whether I need it or not!
BOGO? Of course I need two
- even though I may not even need one!
A trinket, a bauble, a holiday ornament?
It's in my bag!
But all too often, too many times,
it never gets hung on a branch
- if I find time to put up a tree...
And then there's the food and drink,
egg nogg and cookies,
chocolates and peppermint,
sweet candy canes and buches de noel:
all manner of munchies
I just don't need...
But this year, Lord, here's what I pray:
keep me from spending so foolishly
and nudge me to donate more generously
to those whose needs are stark and real:
shelter and warmth and food and clothing
for the poor whose cry you always hear
- and wait for me to answer...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
The video for tonight's music features a sculpture,
Homeless Jesus by Timothy Schmalz,
one of my favorite artists...
The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor by John Foley, SJ
If a video doesn't appear below, click here!
Advent Blessing
composed by Michael Joncas and Alan Hommerding
I looked up Timothy Schmaltz’s “Homeless Jesus” to find copies are in over 100 cities around the world, but not in Boston.