
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 12/22

I've written often, Lord, of the incongruity 
    of our giving each other gifts
        when the birth we're celebrating is yours - not ours!
But this tree solves my problem;
    the gifts 'round this tree are twofers
Each is a gift for someone else
    but in the giving - a gift for you -
for each is a gift from a loving heart,
    a gift of the peace you were born to bring... 

You were born for mercy, it's who you are,
    and you bid us share your healing grace,
mending fences and making peace:
    no other gifts could please you more...

So, help us, Lord, exchange the gifts
    that mend and heal and reconcile,
the gifts that bring us close to you
    because they join our hearts as one
        because they make us one with you...




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