
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 12/27

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Everyone's asking everyone, Lord:
    what did you do for Christmas?
    where did you go for Christmas?
    how was your Christmas?
    what did you get for Christmas?
For many people, Lord,
these are hard questions, painful questions:
    for folks who had to work on Christmas,
    for folks who were alone on Christmas eve,
        and Christmas day...
    for folks who were sick this Christmas,
        especially the chronically and terminally ill,
    for folks who had nowhere to go for Christmas,
    for folks who received no gifts this Christmas,
    for folks too broke to buy gifts for family and friends,
    for folks who are grieving this Christmas,
    for folks whose Christmas plans were scuttled by Covid,
    for folks whose Christmas joy is muted by depression,
    for folks whose fears and anxieties increase
        right around the holidays,
    for folks whose families are broken,
        whose friendships are unraveling...
Hard times
    for so very many people...
So I pray this morning, Lord, 
for those whose Christmas
    was less than it might have been,
    less than what they hoped for or expected...

I pray for those whose Christmas memories
    tell are hard to bear and tell a sad story...

I pray for those whose hopes for a happy Christmas
    were sidetracked by circumstances
or by the harsh words and deeds,
    sabotaging the best intentions...

I pray for those who were alone this Christmas
    and especially for any who had a hard time
        finding even the company and love of Jesus
    and who may have wondered if they, too,
        had been turned away, no room for them at the inn...
And I pray for anyone whose Christmas was wanting 
    because I failed to be there with them and for them.
 It's not too late, Lord - Christmas has 12 days,
    a dozen days for me to reach out, visit, write or call
        to offer the gift of my love, 
        any joy my company might be
        and a Christmas word of peace, of joy,
            of the grace your birth has given all...
There's still time for Christmas, Lord:
    help me make the best of these days 
       in sharing the spirit they bring...





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