On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass. This evening we'll continue to pray with Matthew's account (chapter 5) of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount where he gives us the Beatitudes as a template for Christian life. This passage immediately brought to mind John Becker's setting of this text as "Lead Me, Lord," arranged in the widget below by Mark Hayes. There's a line in Becker's refrain which comes later in Matthew's gospel (chapter 7) where Jesus counsels us to follow the narrow path to life forever. This evening, I invite you to pray first with the song and then to reflect on the prayer that follows it...
Lead Me, Lord by John Becker, arranged by Mark Hayes
published by Hope Publishing Company
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Blessed are the poor in spirit, longing for their Lord,
for God's coming kingdom shall be theirs.
Blessed are the sorrowing, for they shall be consoled,
and the meek shall come to rule the world.
Lead me, Lord, lead me, Lord, by the light of truth
to seek and to find the narrow way.
Be my way; be my truth; be my life, my Lord,
and lead me, Lord, today.
Blessed are the merciful, for mercy shall be theirs,
and the pure in heart shall see their God.
Blest are they whose hunger only holiness can fill,
for I say they shall be satisfied.
Blest are they who through their lifetimes sow the seeds of peace;
all will call them children of the Lord.
Blest are you, though persecuted in your holy life
for in heaven, great is your reward.
"By the narrow way..."
That's the way I need to go, Lord,
and I do need you to lead me
to seek and to find - the narrow way...
I'm so easily led down wider paths,
roads with broad, undefined shoulders:
lots of room for weaving back and forth
and waffling on decisions, choices
and changes to be made...
The wider path is looser, less constricting,
leaving me free to follow the latest fad,
the crowd's lead or whatever whim or fancy
might currently amuse me...
Multiple lanes on the road offer me
more room than I need,
more sway than is wise,
more chance of losing my way...
It's the narrow way, Lord,
the path you chart for me,
that focuses my goals and desires,
keeps me straight on the way that's mine,
protects me from making wrong turns
and leads me, always, closer to you,
to your word, your grace and your love...
So lead me, Lord, by the light of your truth,
lead me to seek and to find the narrow way.
Be my way; be my truth; be my life, my Lord,
and lead me, Lord, today...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
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