
Monday Morning Offering: 6/19

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Today, Lord,  I offer you
    “the impossibles…”
those situations, circumstances, 
    relationships and realities
that we often find impossible
    to deal with, to live through,
        to suffer, accept and survive...

I’m confident, Lord,
    that you know exactly 
        what I’m praying about…

I’m praying for folks between a rock and a hard place…

I’m praying for people whose plates are full…

I’m praying for those who've tried
    over and over again, 
    year after year after year
        to pick up their cross and carry it,
        to accept their burdens and live with them,
        to make things right in the face of wrong,
        to be at peace with what they can't control,
        to take it a day at a time,
        to do the next right thing,
        to live in the moment,
        to be patient in waiting for change to come...

I’m praying for the innocent victims
    of another’s carelessness, bitterness or laziness,
    another’s pride, meanness or selfishness,
    another’s spite, anger or revenge…

I pray they find
    the grace of acceptance,
    the courage to be faithful
    and the guts to trudge through a desert of 
        of broken promises, words and vows... 

I’m praying for the wisdom we need
    to see beyond the moment’s pain,
    to find the possible in the impossible,
    to understand beyond our comprehension,
    to accept what never in a lifetime
        we'd expect to be asked to accept…

I’m praying for the stamina 
    to hang in there,
    to see things through to the end,
    to do what's right and just,
    and to trust that all shall be well
    especially when we wonder
        if anything can ever be well again…

I’m praying for faith we need
    to believe in you,
    to trust in you,
    hope in you,
    lean on you
    and walk with you
        in the light you shine on our path,
        a light no darkness can quench...

I’m praying for faith to believe
that all things are possible with you, Lord,
even if the possible might be
    beyond my sight and my grasp,
    beyond my understanding and knowledge,
    beyond and outside 
        what I hope and dream and pray for... 

I pray for the faith to believe, Lord,
    that with you and your help and your grace 
I will walk through the darkest of valleys,
       surviving my failures and fears
with you at my side,
    my strength and my hope...

Today, Lord,  I offer you
    “the impossibles…”
those situations, circumstances, 
    relationships and realities
that we often find impossible
    to deal with, to live through,
        to suffer, accept and survive...

And I offer to your this morning, Lord,
    the hearts and souls 
        and minds and thoughts,
    the struggles and pain, 
        the confusion and hurt
            of those finding things impossible…

Open our hearts to you, Lord,
    and to all the possibilities,
        you have in store for us
    this morning , this day and this year,
        for the rest of our lives and beyond…





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