
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 6/10

A recent addition to my prayer space is the icon below, the work of Ann ChapinIn the scriptures, an unnamed "disciple whom Jesus loved" is found at the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, the empty tomb on Easter morning and Jesus' post-resurrection appearance at the seashore.  Tradition names John as this beloved disciple, a claim supported by this account of the Last Supper:
     Jesus was deeply troubled and said,
    “Amen, amen, I say to you, 
        one of you will betray me.”
    The disciples looked at one another, 
        at a loss as to whom he meant.
    One of his disciples, the one whom Jesus loved, 
        was reclining at Jesus’ side.
    So Simon Peter nodded to him
         to find out whom he meant. 
    He leaned back against Jesus’ chest and said to him, 
        “Master, who is it?”      (John 13:21-38)

I have always loved this image of friendship and intimacy. In this icon I'm especially drawn here to the bread of the Last Supper in Jesus' hands and John's arm around the Lord's shoulders.  What a perfect image for this Corpus Christi weekend and our celebrating the reality of Christ's presence in our lives. Regular readers might recognize tonight's prayer which I wrote 22 years ago and have posted a number of times since.
You enfold me, entwine and embrace me.
You handle me, hold me and hide me.
You wrestle me, welcome and want me.

Your chin by my ear, your hand in my hair,
your arm 'round my back, my arms rounding you,
my face on your chest: I'm held in your warmth.

Your eyes keep close watch, mine close in deep peace.
Your fingers stroke softly my head's numbered strands.
Your grip is a gift, your grasp saving grace.

You whisper, 
    "You're mine, I call you by name:
        you're found and forgiven, 
            brought home and beloved."

I breathe, 
    "Yes, I am - shaped and healed by your hand.
        You call me by name: 
            I am yours, you are mine."
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Tonight's song is an old hymn with formal pronouns
but it fits well with the image of John, resting on Jesus...

Jesus, I Am Resting 
         performed by Seve Pettit Evangelistic Team

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Jesus! I am resting, resting  
In the joy of what Thou art;  
I am finding out the greatness  
Of Thy loving heart.  
Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee,  
And Thy beauty fills my soul,  
For, by Thy transforming power,  
Thou hast made me whole.  
Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus,  
I behold Thee as Thou art,  
And Thy love, so pure, so changeless,  
Satisfies my heart, Satisfies its deepest longings,  
Meets, supplies its every need,  
Compasseth me round with blessings,  
Thine is love indeed. Jesus! 
Ever lift Thy face upon me,  
As I work and wait for Thee;  
Resting ’neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus,  
Earth’s dark shadows flee. 
Brightness of my Father’s glory,  
Sunshine of my Father’s face,  
Keep me ever trusting, resting,  
Fill me with Thy grace. Jesus!




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