
NIGHT PRAYER: Saturday 6/24

I don't know how I'd get by without you, Lord:
   without your being there for me to turn to,
   without your listening to all my troubles,
   without your Spirit to guide my steps,
   without your Word to light my way,
   without your arms to pull me close,
   without your grace to lift my spirits,
   without your mercy to set me free...

I don't know how I'd face tomorrow, Lord,
   without your promise to be with me,
   without your pledge to see me through,
   without your always reassuring me:
       indeed, all shall be well...

Deepen my faith in your promise, Lord,
    in all the ways you're there for me
and help me trust, from day to day
    that all shall be well, all shall be well,
    that all manner of thing shall be well...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me when I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


I know this song comes up frequently,
but frequently, it's just the song I (we?) need to hear and sing...

All Shall Be Well by Barbara Bridge
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All shall be well.  All shall be well, 
and all manner of thing,*
all manner of thing shall be well.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains;
from where shall come my help?
My help will come from God,
my creator, from God who made heaven and earth.

God will keep your feet from stumbling
and guard you as you rest;
for God never slumbers nor sleeps.
God is with you by day and by night.

For God will always guard you from evil
and keep your soul from harm;
and God will guard your coming and going,
both now and forever more.

*The refrain is a well known, much loved quote from 
Julian of Norwich who died in the early 15th century.
In the language of her time "All manner of thing" was
an acceptable figure of speech. 




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