On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass - tonight, some verses from today's first reading:
The Lord is a merciful and gracious God,
slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity
but this, indeed, is a stiff-necked people...
A stiff neck is sensitive
to every other move my body makes...
A stiff neck focuses my attention,
limits my mobility,
narrows my ability to look left or right...
A stiff neck is - a pain in the neck!
A stiff neck needs rest,
stillness and a gentle touch...
Some days, Lord,
I have to number myself
among your stiff-necked people,
days when I suffer from a
stubborn will
an ornery soul,
an obstinate mindset
and a rigid heart...
Days when I'm frozen
in my moods and anger,
my resentments and grudges,
in my unyielding pride,
my unbending resistance...
I get stuck, Lord,
paralyzed by my inflexibility,
disabled by my refusal
to ask for help,
to let go my passions,
to change my ways,
to humble myself before you...
Help me, Lord, to come to you
and slowly bend and bare my neck
to the gentle touch of your firm, strong hands
massaging, relaxing and loosening the hold
that keeps me from turning to you and my neighbor,
and the grace you offer to set me free...
Be merciful, gracious and slow to anger,
faithful and rich in your kindness, Lord,
and gentle in how you lay your hands
on me, your stiff-necked servant...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Spirit of the Living God
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