
Pause for Prayer: SUNDAY 6/18

My parents holding me in the spring of 1947...

On this Fathers Day weekend, Lord,
    help us remember the best of our relationships
        with our fathers...

Help us remember our fathers' love for us
    and the joy they found in calling us
        their beloved sons and their daughters...

Help us remember, Lord, all the work our fathers did
    to care and provide for us,
        to protect and nurture us,
        to ensure our safety and our comfort...

And help us remember, Lord,
    that where our dads may have failed us
it wasn't always because they tried too little -
    sometimes they tried too hard...

And help us remember, Lord,
    that when our fathers fell short and shy
        of all they might have done
    their intentions were often greater
        than their words and deeds revealed...

And if our fathers failed us,
    abandoned, even harmed us,
then heal our broken hearts, Lord,
    and open them in mercy:
help us pardon the unpardonable
    as you, Lord, pardon us...

Help us remember our fathers, Lord,
    with gratitude and compassion,
    with love and with forgiveness
    and with care and understanding...

Help us remember the good times, Lord,
    and heal in us the hard times
for you're the Father of us all
    and in your love we find the peace
        that no one else can give...

Help us remember, Lord,
    help us forgive,
        help us rejoice
    and help us pray for our fathers -
        those who are with us
            and those who've gone home to you...

For our fathers, Lord, we pray...


With my dad in the front room on Hobart Street




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