I’ve been noticing, Lord, how many good people,
how many really good people,
are so much a part of my life…
generous people
who selflessly give - and give and give and give...
those who are kind
without pretense or guile or self-interest...
folks who forgive,
whose pardon is so healing…
the ones who are holy
- and don’t even know it…
folks who are gentle,
never rough or harsh or coarse...
those who are strong,
whose friendship lifts me up…
the ones who are true and pure
in thought, word and deed…
people of conviction
whose zeal never flags or fades…
friends who are faithful
especially through my rough patches…
folks who are happy,
filled with genuine joy to share...
the honest ones, Lord,
whose plain and simple truth is a gift…
folks of tender compassion
whose patience is unending…
the people who generously offer their help
- even before they're asked...
people of prayer, people of faith
whose presence is peace for my soul...
Good people, Lord,
so many good people
- all in my life…
People, Lord,
more generous and kind,
more forgiving and holy,
more deeply convicted, faithful and joyful,
more honest, compassionate, loyal and helpful,
more thoughtful and prayerful,
gentler, stronger and purer by far
- than I…
Make me grateful for such good people, Lord
and teach me their ways,
the ways of people
who live by your word...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song is not religious or liturgical, it's dated and maybe a little corny, but it's the first song that came to my mind after writing this prayer!
Dear Hearts and Gentle People sung by Jim Reeves
If a video doesn't appear below, click here!
I love those dear hearts and gentle peopleWho live in my home townBecause those dear hearts and gentle peopleWho'll never ever let ya' down
They read the Good Book from Friday to MondayThats how the weekend goesI've got a dream house I'll build there one dayWith picket fence and rambling rose
I feel so welcome each time that I returnThat my happy heart keeps laughin' like a clownI love those dear hearts and gentle peopleWho live n' love in my home town
They read the good book from Friday to MondayThat's how the weekend goesI've got a dream house I'll build there one dayWith picket fence and rambling rose
I feel so welcome each time that I return
'Til my happy heart's laughin' like a clownI love those dear hearts and gentle peopleWho'll never ever let you down...
They live n love in my home town
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