
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 7/2

On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass. Tonight we'll pick up the theme of welcoming hospitality found in today's first reading and gospel. 

You call me to welcome the stranger,
    to receive the stranger into my heart
because in welcoming the stranger, Lord,
    it's you whom I receive...
Then, help me practice, Lord,
    help me practice my welcoming skills,
not on strangers, 
    but on those I already know,
for how can I welcome the stranger
    when I'm estranged from family,
        from coworkers and classmates,
            from neighbors down the street...

Help me humbly welcome the folks I know
    who tick me off,
    light my fuse,
    grind my gears
    and always push my buttons...
Help me graciously receive the people
    who trouble and annoy me,
    irritate and bother me,
    infuriate and irk me,
    embarrass and disturb me...
Help me see, Lord,
    how graciously you welcome me
when I'm estranged by faults and failings
    from you, the One I seek...

Let me see how warmly you receive me 
    though I fail to heed your word,
    to follow where you lead,
    to seek your truth and wisdom,
    to love you as I ought,
    to serve you as my God...
Even when I sin, Lord,
    your arms are open, waiting,
        with mercy and with pardon
to welcome my return,
    to receive me in your heart...
Teach me, Lord, to welcome
    my family, friends and neighbors
for when I'm estranged from them,
    then I'm estranged from you...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
I am so grateful to have found this song!

We Are Called to Welcome Strangers 

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