
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 7/27

When I'm in Georgetown (Colorado) I spend Thursday evenings in a prayer group of inmates at Clear Creek County Jail.  The room we meet in is a windowless cement box and we sit on really uncomfortable plastic chairs - but - the grace of heartfelt, prayerful sharing flows from and fills the hearts of those who gather at that table where a battery-powered candle stands as the Light of Christ and the men's voices open in song, in tones I'm sure the Lord finds melodic.  So tonight, I miss being in that room, with those who are gathered in prayer...

I'm about 2,000 miles away from Georgetown
but in your Spirit and by your grace, Lord,
I'm in the basement of Clear Creek County Jail,
in prayer with my friends 
as they twist the bulb on the plastic candle
and sing as they do each week, 
Christ, Be Our Light!

I've seen how your light shines in their midst,
I've heard the prayer of their hearts come to speech,
I've witnessed the care they have for each other,
I've been blessed by the tears they try to hold back,
I've laughed when a moment of joy interrupted,
I've ached for the burdens each one of them carries,
I've reverenced their loneliness, esteemed their courage
    and I stand in awe of their perseverance
        and their patient reliance on prayer...

Their prayer feeds my spirit,
their faith makes mine stronger,
their hope deepens mine,
their song lifts my heart,
and their trust is pure gift...

That room, like a cave, barren and empty,
echos the words and the songs these men share
and I'm sure those echos ring clear in your heart, Lord,
where you hold my brothers, each one, in your peace...

I pray for them, Lord, as they pray for me
and I pray for everyone reading these words:
    free all of us, Lord, from what locks us up
        from what locks us in, body and spirit;
    free our hearts from the darkness
        that shadows the dawn,
    that we might see you
        - O Christ, be our light!
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Christ, Be Our Light by Bernadette Farrell
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1 comment:

  1. Moved to tears! Thank you for sharing!
    I had a very vivid picture of you ,sitting and praying in this circle! 👏💕🙏🏻


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