
Pause for Prayer: MONDAY 7/17

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!
I want to hear you, Lord. 
I want to recognize your voice
I want to hear your word,
   your word for me,
and I want to trust what I hear...
So I offer you my ears, Lord:
    the ears I hear with, 
    the ears of my heart,
    my ears at prayer
    and the ears of my imagination…
Attune my ears to your voice:
    when you speak to me in the scriptures 
    when I listen for you in my heart,
    when you whisper to me in my prayer...

Open my ears that I might hear you:
    in what I read,
    in the music I hear, 
    in the sounds of nature,
    in all the beauty I see,
    and perhaps -  most of all - in the silence…

Open the ears of my heart
that I might hear, deep within:
    your word of your wisdom,
    your Spirit's counsel,
    your consoling voice,
    your call to my conscience...

Open the ears of my imagination
that I might hear you
    in every thought, idea, dream and hope
        that's mine...

Open my ears when I close them in fear
    let me hear your strong and gentle voice
        leading and guiding me home to you...

Open the ears of my joy
    that I might hear your laughter
        in every peaceful, happy moment
        that is mine…

I offer you my ears, Lord:
    help me to hear every whisper and shout,
    every word and cry that comes from your heart…

I offer you my ears, Lord:
    help me hear and hold, treasure and keep
    keep every word of yours
    that sounds within me...

I offer you my ears, Lord:
    help me hear the cry of the poor
    and all those around me in need:
        help me to listen with patience
        and respond with care…

God of my Monday mornings, hear me:
    I want to be "all ears" for you...

Speak, Lord, your servant is listening…





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