
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 7/25

Well, I'm back in Wayland, Lord!
I already miss the mountains and the streams
and all the nooks and crannies of nature
where I met you, stumbled upon you,
discovered and walked with you
in Georgetown, Colorado...

But now I'm back in the familiar places
    - where you come each day to find me...

I'm back to all the usual spots
    - where you wait for me to find you...

I'm back in a place 
    where familiarity easily breeds - not contempt -
but a dulling of my spirit,
    numbing my awareness, my perception, my gratitude
for all the ways you come to me, meet me,
    engage me and reveal yourself to me
in the simple, in the ordinary,
    in the day-to-day, the "usual," 
        in the humdrum and routine
because of this I'm sure, Lord:
    there's not a moment, night or day
when you're not there for me, 
    beside, before me and behind me,
tapping on my shoulder, listening with attention,
     keeping me from stumbling, showing me the way
and desiring my company - just as you did 
    in the mountains, by the streams
        in Georgetown, Colorado...

You came back with me, Lord
    and you were here to meet me:
open my eyes and ears, my imagination,
    my heart and soul
to all the ways you're with me,
    everywhere I go...






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