
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 8/4

Tonight, Lord, I want to pray for
    Mary, Chris, Spencer and Max.
I don't know their last names
    but I'm confident that you know
        exactly who I mean.
At various times I saw each of them
    on almost a daily basis
but over the past year, one by one,
    they've left and gone away
and I miss them, Lord:
    Mary, Chris, Spencer and Max,
        my faithful baristas 
            at Starbucks in Wayland...
I wasn't exactly friends with these folks
    but I shared and enjoyed those friendly ties
that bless and bond you with other souls
    who share in your day to day life...

I'm grateful, Lord, for family and friends
    whose love may last for a lifetime
but thankful, too, for those whose paths
    align with mine, if but for a time,
who grace my days with their welcoming smiles
    and make me feel at home...
So, I pray tonight  
    for Mary and Chris and Spencer and Max
and for all the folks who make our days
    brighter and warmer, kinder and gentler,
        just by their presence, their being there.
For friends like these - I thank you, Lord!
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
    and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Friends Are Friends Forever by Michael Smith
    performed by Covenant Singers

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