
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 8/15

Night Prayer on the feast
   of the Assumption of Mary into heaven...

Mother of Jesus,
Mother of God,
Mother of all of us, 
sisters and brothers,
one in Christ...
Be with us this evening
and every night:
console and comfort
your sons and your daughters,
your children seeking
their Mother's love...
Nurse and feed us
with the milk of your kindness
as clear and pure 
as your spotless soul,
your blessed and immaculate 
gentle heart...
Hold us close
in your cradling arms,
sing us to sleep
with a song of your grace,
in time and in tune
with the beat of your heart... 

Protect us dear Mother,
while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we watch 
for our brother, your Son
and asleep, we rest in his peace...

Tonight's music is a 16th century composition 
   with only two words for lyrics: Ave Maria...

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