
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 8/22

I forget so easily, Lord!

When times are tough,
    nothing's going my way,
when my plate is full,
    and the news isn't great,
when I'm fearing the worst
    from the knock at my door
- I forget so often, so easily, Lord - 
    that you're always good, 
        always good to me...

You're not the source of my troubles, Lord
    you don't have it in for me
and no matter how tough, how rough my patch
    you're always right there by my side...
You're as close to me in my sorrow
    as you are in my times of joy,
even closer, perhaps, when I'm lost in grief
    and my need to be found is so great...

You are only good - always good to me -
    in ways I might miss or don't see:
though I feel I'm in free-fall, no net below,
    I'm right in the palm of your hand...
When I bleed from the prick of a thorn on a bush
    don't let me miss the beauty and scent
of roses you've planted and grown for me:
    blossoms of holy and healing grace...

You're good and you're always good to me, Lord
    and only your goodness will follow me
all the days, all the nights of my life,
    wherever my path may lead...

Help me keep in mind and never forget
    that all good gifts come from you, Lord:
in good times and bad, in sickness and health,
    help me trust in your kindness and love...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm still awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...

Two options for tonight's music: two songs with the same title
but different melodies and lyrics, different voices and styles!

If two videos don't appear below, click here!
Here's some  helpful background on a curious phrase in this
song's lyrics: "foxes in the vineyard."

Good to Me by Rhett Walker




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