
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 8/9

Tonight's prayer comes from my being woken from sleep by intense downpours on Monday morning, before and after dawn.  To help you share in that experience as we pray tonight, here's a video with some background sound from SleepDroid Studios

It takes a lot to rouse me
    but your pulsing, pounding rain, Lord,
        woke me from my sleep,
stirring and refreshing me,
    filling me with hope and joy,
        as Monday morning dawned...
If a sound can cleanse a soul of sin,
    your rain washed clean my heart, Lord,
        in the waters of your mercy...

If drops of rain a chorus make,
    your downpour sang in voices
        numbering more than in the millions...

If nature has it in her power 
    to calm and ease a troubled soul:
        I've found my peace in you...

If even when I'm fast asleep
    you're tending to my care,
        then I'm blessed, Lord night and day...
If your rain comes down, then rains again,
    your love will never, ever cease,
        to shower me with grace... 

It takes a lot to rouse me
    but your pulsing, pounding rain, Lord,
        woke me from my sleep,
stirring and refreshing me,
    filling me with hope and joy
        as Monday morning dawned...
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
Rain Down by Jaime Cortez

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