
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 8/11

Lord, you are near, 
    so very near...

You search my heart, 
    inside and out.

You know me better, more intimately,
    than I know myself.

You know 
    my strengths and my weaknesses,
    my truth and my lies,
    my reality and fantasy,
    my secret joy and hidden sadness,
    my virtues and my sins.
Nothing, Lord,
    escapes your soul-piercing gaze,
        absolutely nothing.

And yes, there are times 
    when I'd gladly flee your scrutiny,
but then, Lord,
    where would I go?

No matter now high, how low, 
    how far away I might retreat, 
there's no eluding your presence,
    your reach, your grasp, your embrace.

Wherever I go, you are there:
    before me, by my side and behind me,
        above and below me.

I fool only myself
    when I pretend in the shadows
        to hide my own darkness.
In your eyes, Lord,
    the night shines as day, 
        and forever.

Again and again I learn the folly
    of running away from you who are there,
        everywhere I turn:
    all around me
        and dwelling deep within me.

I have no reason to fear your pursuit.
Your surveillance is only your vigil,
     your keeping careful watch
         over every step I take:
     your gentle hand to guide me,
     your arms to hold me fast when danger's near 
        and I might fall.

You are so near, Lord,
    so very near... 

You search my heart and soul,
    you know me oh-so-well!

With thanks and praise
    I yield to you
and find my peace
    beneath your watchful eye,
        within your warm embrace.





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