
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 9/6

It's not that I never see myself in a mirror, Lord:
    I see myself every day 
        when I wash my face and shave,
        when I take my pills and brush my teeth
        or check the mass schedule taped on the glass...

But all this is routine, a daily exercise,
    I'm ready, I'm prepared,
        to face these mirrored selfies...

So, while washing my hands
    in the restroom at Starbucks
 I was surprised
    to be taken by surprise
when I happened to look up
    - and there I was!
It was as if I didn't expect to see myself
    - I seemed to show up out of nowhere -
and then I thought, if only for a moment,
    "So, that's - me... That's who others see..."
And sure enough, I'm pleased to say
    - I did recognize myself!
But I also got a glance,
    an unpredicted, unexpected, candid glance
    of who I really am, 
        the man that others see,
        the man that you know, inside out
        - the truth of who I am...

In prayer tonight I want to peer again
    into the mirror of my soul
to see myself as others do
    and most of all to see myself 
        as you see me;
to see the truth of who I am
    and all the ways I hide that truth,
hide my truth from others 
    and from you, Lord
    - and myself...

The truth is, Lord, I'm loved by you
    and loved by friends and family
and loved in ways I've yet to know,
    acknowledge and accept...
Though I fail to love myself,
    I'm loved by you, Lord and by others
even when I can't or won't or simply fail 
    to love who you created me to be,
    the person you have cared for
    from all eternity...

Grant the grace I need, Lord,
    to see myself as I am,
    to see myself as yours, your beloved,
and know that I am carefully made
    in your image and your likeness...

And where I have marred or broken
    your image in my soul,
come with healing and with pardon
    to mend what I have wounded
        and restore me to your love...

Truth be told, Lord:
    I'm good, because you love me;
    I'm whole, because you heal me;
    I'm forgiven, in your mercy,
    I am yours and you are mine...

Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
I love the honesty of the lyrics in this song!
Truth Be Told by Matthew West

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Lie number 1
    you’re supposed to have it all together 
And when they ask how you’re doing
     just smile and tell them “never better” 
Lie number 2 
    everybody’s life is perfect except yours 
So keep your messes and your wounds and your secrets safe with you 
    behind closed doors 
But truth be told 
The truth is rarely told
I say I’m fine, yeah I’m fine, oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine 
    but I’m not - I’m broken 
And when it’s out of control I say it’s under control 
    but it’s not - and you know it
I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it 
When being honest is the only way to fix it 
There’s no failure, no fall 
There’s no sin you don’t already know 
So let the truth be told 
There’s a sign on the door, says “come as you are” 
    but I doubt it
'Cause if we lived like that was true 
    every Sunday morning pew would be crowded 
But didn’t you say church should look more like a hospital 
A safe place for the sick, the sinner and the scarred 
    and the prodigal, like me
But truth be told 
The truth is rarely told 
Oh, am I the only one who says
I’m fine, yeah I’m fine oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine 
    but I’m not -  I’m broken 
And when it’s out of control I say it’s under control 
    but it’s not - and you know it 
I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it 
When being honest is the only way to fix it 
There’s no failure, no fall 
There’s no sin you don’t already know 
So let the truth be told
Can I really stand here unashamed 
Knowing that your love for me won’t change 
Oh God - if that’s really true 
Then let the truth be told  
I say I’m fine, yeah I’m fine, oh I’m fine, hey I’m fine 
    but I’m not - I’m broken 
And when it’s out of control I say it’s under control 
    but it’s not - and you know it
I don’t know why it’s so hard to admit it 
When being honest is the only way to fix it 
There’s no failure, no fall 
There’s no sin you don’t already know 
Yeah, I know
There’s no failure, no fall 
There’s no sin you don’t already know
So let the truth be told




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