
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 10/13

At morning mass I heard*
that you judge the world with justice:
    lace your justice with your mercy, Lord,
    with kindness and compassion...

This afternoon at Starbucks
I surveyed the war on Google
while I sipped a short/black/Pike:
    Lord, have mercy on my comfort...
As I fall asleep tonight, Lord,
to an owl's plaintiff song,
hear my prayer, my plea, my cry, O God:
    have mercy on your world...
Protect us all while we're awake
    and guard us while we sleep, Lord,
that awake, we keep the watch with you
    and asleep, rest safe, in peace...

This song is perfect for these days 
    and our prayer tonight...

Bring Peace by Marty Haugen

If a video doesn't appear below, click here!

Bring peace, O Lord, bring peace
bring peace, O Lord, bring peace
bring your healing and hope
bring your life and love
bring peace, O Lord, bring peace 

O end the hate that wounds and divides
and help us live as children of one God
O turn our hearts from fear and mistrust
and help us learn to heal and renew
For all who have shelter this night
who dream of a place they might call home 

For those who live in silent distress
who wait for a morning that brings hope

For all who have no power or voice
who look to us to speak in their name




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