
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 10/19

I might still live in the same town, Lord,
I might still have the same job,
and I might still be working
    the very same problems
        that plagued me over a year ago
 - but I pray that some things have changed,
        that at least a few things have changed
            in my heart, my mind and my soul,
            in my thoughts, my affections and prayer,
            in my choices, resolve and decisions
            and in my desire to change and grow
                in faith, hope and love...

And, if in the year behind me
    I haven't changed much at all
(or not as much as I wanted to,
    tried to and wish I had)
then once again send your Spirit, Lord,
    to open my heart, my mind and my soul
to nudge, push, shove and move me 
    to bend and stretch, yield and accept,
to mature and grow, change and become
    the person you made me to be,
        the person I want to become
a day, a month, a year from now
    in the peace I hunger and thirst for,
        the peace that's yours to give...




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