
Pause for Prayer: WEDNESDAY 10/18

       Image: George Mendoza

I'm not sure why I posted Texting With God- a regular Wednesday feature - on Monday, but I did!  So here on Wednesday, is a regular Monday feature renamed (for this week only) Wednesday Morning Offering.

Good morning, good God!

I offer you the week ahead,
the week you've offered me:
    seven days of opportunity,
    mystery, grace and love...

I offer you the days
when I'll be anxious, tense and fearful:
    be with me through tough times,
    be my support when I grow tired
    and my strength when I am weak...

And I offer you the days 
that will befuddle and confuse me:
    be me counsel, give me wisdom,
    help me come to understand
    what seems beyond my grasp...

I offer you, ahead of time,
my coming disappointments:
    keep my spirits high enough
    to help me move along in faith
    when nothing seems to go my way...

I offer my desire 
to pray each day this week:
 to make the time to share with you
 my sorrows and my joys,
 and wait upon your word
 to hear a whisper of your love...

And I offer you the days
that I anticipate with joy:
    let my hope not be in vain,
    my expectations not too high,
    and my thanks be always yours
    for all the gifts that come my way...

I offer you the week ahead,
the week you've offered me:
    seven days of opportunity,
    mystery, grace and love...


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