
Pause for Prayer: 10/9

Morning Coffee by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

I've been taking inventory, Lord,
looking back over the years,
tracking successes and failures,
assessing my strengths and weaknesses,
balancing joys and sorrows,
weighing growth and decline,
looking to see where I've come from,
where I've been,
what I've been through,
what's brought me to 
where I am...
And for all of that, Lord, 
I offer you thanks
for the downs as well as the ups
and for all the in-betweens,
for the good times and bad 
when you've been at my side:
my rock, my shelter,
my strength and my hope...
And I offer you this morning, October 9,
a brand new day, a new opportunity,
    to know you, love you and serve you;
    to succeed with the help of your grace;
    to find joy in the midst of my grief,
    and peace in the warmth of your arms
    holding me close, ready to be my rock,
    my shelter, my strength and my hope...

And I offer you my tomorrow, Lord,
and the mystery of all that may come my way
and how you will lead me,
drawing me near, close to your side,
offering yourself as my rock, my shelter,
my strength and my hope...

I offer you this morning, Lord,
my past, present and future
and I thank you, Lord,
for all that's been,
all that is
and for all tha's yet to be...

Yesterday, today and tomorrow, Lord,
in good times and in bad,
you've been, you are and you will be
my rock, my strength and my hope...



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