On Sundays, Night Prayer will focus on an element from the day's celebration of Mass. On this feast of Christ the King, our prayer flows from a hymn celebrating Christ's reign over us all...
Because it is the feast of Christ the King
we sing of seeing you, Lord
- soon and very soon...
Because it's almost Advent
we sing of your coming, Lord
- soon and very soon...
Because Christmas is but a month away
we sing of greeting you, Lord
- soon and very soon...
Because our lives are 0h-so-brief
we sing of meeting you, Lord
- soon and very soon...
Because of your grace and mercy
we sing of being with you, Lord - soon and very soon...
Because you rule with great compassion
we long to see you, Lord
- soon and very soon...
Because we welcome your sweet healing
come dwell within us, Lord
- soon and very soon...
Because we put our hope and trust in you
draw near and come to save us, Lord
- soon and very soon...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song is a favorite of mine - I hope it will
be sung at my funeral! But until then, I'm pleased
to hear it any day of the year...
Soon and Very Soon by Andrae Crouch
performed by Christian Edition
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