I have little reason, Lord, to fear the night.
I live in a town of safe neighborhoods.
My dwelling is sturdy, warm and secure.
My cupboard is well stocked
and my quarters are ample and pleasant.
No missiles will shriek, no bombs explode tonight,
while I lie in my bed and fall asleep
to the faithful and steady holy chant
of owls hooting in the woods
just outside my windows...
But others tonight won't close their eyes
less they wake to bombs bursting in air,
giving proof through the night
that the war is still near...
The pain of hunger and freezing cold,
sickness and lonely homelessness
will stalk the nights of millions of souls
whose only cover is a blanket of stars...
And, oh - I have so much, Lord: more than I need
and more than I share with those who have little,
next to nothing - not even the hope
that they're lot might change...
Hear then, Lord, my night time prayer:
disturb my comfortable sleep this season,
this "season of giving"
when I have so much to spare and to share
and others have needs that I can fill...
Rouse me, Lord,
(and shake me awake from my drowsy comfort)
to get up and give up the bounty that's mine,
'til I feel, 'til I know, in my heart of hearts:
the darkness that only your light can pierce,
the hunger that only your grace can feed,
the cold that only your touch can warm,
the ache that only your mercy can heal
and the emptiness only your love can fill...
Make my rest uneasy 'til I've comforted those
who have, this night, no rest at all...
Protect us all while we're awake
and watch over us when we sleep, Lord,
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song might not neatly tie up our prayer
but might well leave us waiting and reaching
for the one who fills our emptiness...
Emptiness by United Pursuit
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You speak and light shines
Out of darkness
You speak and light shines
Out of darkness
You speak, I wait
The silence quakes
A form just beyond design
Silent fire
You take emptiness away
You reach, I wait
The quiet ache
The sail and storm reply
Silent fire
You take emptiness away
Shine shine shine
Your light your light
Shine shine shine
Your light your light
You speak and light shines
Out of darkness
You take emptiness
You speak and light shines
Out of darkness
You take emptiness
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