
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I pray you'll have a Joyful Christmas: a Christmas rooted in the serenity that deep faith provides, strong enough to survive the disappointments and sorrows life delivers to our doorstep and exuberant enough to celebrate life’s happiest times. May the birthday of Christ touch you with deep joy...

And I pray that you'll have a Peaceful Christmas, the peace the world is so clearly unable to give itself: the peace that broken hearts long for; the peace that's ours to share with one another in forgiveness, kindness and charity; the peace that might end wars and bind nations together.  May the birthday of Christ sow seeds of peace in your heart...

Finally, I pray that you have a Hopeful Christmas. So much in the world around us encroaches on our capacity to hope: there's a spirit abroad that seems intent on draining the beauty and poetry from our lives while our ever burgeoning knowledge robs us of awe and reverence before the mystery of life, of love and of God. May the birthday of Christ renew and refresh hope in your heart...

I wish you a Joyful, Peaceful and Hopeful Christmas!

Please, pray the same for me...




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