
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 12/15

Over the last couple of days, Lord,
I've been reminded in a number of ways
that worry and stress don't go on holiday,
that sickness and loss take no Christmas break,
that many who long for the season's joy
are burdened with heartache and sadness...

So tonight I pray for those who are sick
and for those care for and carry them...

I pray for those whose hearts are heavy,
anxious and troubled in too many ways...

I pray for those who struggle with debt,
unemployment and way too much work to do...

I pray for those who are lonely, alone,
who long for company, friendship and love...
I pray for those whose faith is unsure,
who seek to strengthen their trust in you...

I pray for those who mourn and grieve
while those all around are filled with joy...

I pray for those who feel left out, 
forgotten and misunderstood...

I pray for those for whom these days
are long and not soon enough done...

And for all of these, Lord, I pray for your grace
to comfort, console and bless them...

I pray for your touch to mend and heal
what's broken and wounded within us...

I pray for all to be careful and gentle 
in all we speak and all we do...
Remind us, Lord, that for these you came:
the broken, the hurting, the sick and the dying,
the poor and the homeless, the abandoned and lonely
and all in need of your mercy and kindness,
your grace and your peace...
I pray we remember that each of us, Lord
walks through this season seeking the peace
that's only yours to graciously give,
and ours to share when we find it...

Protect us, Lord while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

Be With Me, Lord by Marty Haugen
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Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble,
     be with me, Lord, I pray!

You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord most high,
who abide in the shadow of our God,
say to the Lord,  "My refuge and fortress,
the God in whom I trust!"

Be with me, Lord...

No evil shall befall you, no pain come near,
for the angels stand close by your side
guarding you always and bearing you gently,
watching over your life.

Be with me, Lord...

Those who cling to the Lord live secure in God's love
lifted high those who trust in God's name
Call on your Lord who will never forsake you,
God will bring you salvation and joy.

Be with me, Lord... 




1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your prayer. It helped me put things in perspective in this hustle, bustle season. It helped me remember those less fortunate than I. It helped me look up and ask God for help and put my hands together in prayerto give thanks for his ever loving and living presence.


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