
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 12/2

The end of the year of grace * is at hand:
    at sundown tomorrow, with Advent
        a new year of blessings begins...
Ready me, Lord, for a fresh opportunity, a clean slate:
    to do what's just, to love what's good 
        and to walk humbly at your side...
Prepare me, Lord, for one more chance
    to live my life a day at a time,
        to strive to do the next right thing,
            trusting that all things shall be well... 
Level whatever stands in the way
    of my loving you 
    with all my mind, my heart and my soul
and loving my neighbor at least as well
    as I  often care for myself...

Clear me a path to walk by your light,
    by your word, your truth and your grace:
        keep faithful my every step...

Goodbye to the past, Lord, the year gone by!
Forgive my sins and refresh my resolve
    to be and become the person you made
        and the person you'll call me to be
            in the new year of grace ahead...
Protect me tonight while I like awake, Lord
    and watch over me as I sleep
that awake I night keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...
*The liturgical year begins with the First Sunday of Advent
and concludes on the Saturday following the feast of Christ
the King.  Over the course of a year, the Church proclaims,
ponders, prays over and celebrates the saving mystery of 
our life in Christ - thus the liturgical year is considered to
be a "Year of Grace." 
At Baylor University there's the custom of composing
a class hymn for each incoming group of first year students.
The hymn of the Class of 2027 seems an apt song for us
who find ourselves on the cusp of a new year of grace...
Baylor University Hymn for Class of 2027
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There’s more to know than we have known,
More to share than we have shown. 
There’s more to see than we have seen,
More beyond and in between. 
Here in this world of wonderment, 
Through Holy longings and laments, 
We find the Kingdom deep within. 
We find our faith again and again. 
Here in this season of the soul
as we seek for all that’s whole,
Here joy will meet us on the way, 
Mercies new from day to day. 
There’s One who blesses as we bless, 
time to heal some brokenness. 
There’s One who’s calling with this call,
Christ in you, the hope of all. 




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