
NIGHT PRAYER: Monday 12/4

In choosing a theme from yesterday's mass for last night's Night Prayer, I debated between  two quotes from the readings: the potter's image in Isaiah and Jesus' call in the gospel for us to be alert and to watch.  Having gone with the potter, I offer here a prayer I wrote 5 years ago on the Lord's word:  Watch!

Teach me to watch, Lord:
    to stay awake,
    to keep vigil,
    to wait for you
    as the night waits for dawn...

Teach me to watch
    for your approach,
    your drawing near,
    your coming up alongside me
    - especially when I least expect you...

Teach me, Lord, to watch
    for your advent,
    your arrival,
    your appearing...

Teach me to watch
    for signs of your grace in my life,
    in the lives of those around me
    and in the whole of your creation...

Teach me to watch
    for the light of your word,
    for your hand upon my shoulder,
    for your healing touch,
    for your mysterious, elusive presence...

Teach me, Lord, to watch, 
    for your warm fingerprints
    on everything, everywhere I turn
    and especially on my heart... 
Teach me to watch for you
    when I think you've forgotten me,
    when it seems you've disappeared,
    when I've given up looking for you...

Teach me to watch
    with eyes of faith,
    with a hopeful heart,
    with a trusting spirit...

Teach me to watch for you, Lord,
for I know you're there:
    making yourself known,
    revealing yourself in so many ways,
    inviting me to desire you,
    prompting me to seek you,
    leading me to find you...

Teach me to watch for you 
who so faithfully watch over me: 
    night and day,
    never nodding, never blinking,
    moment to moment to moment...
Teach me to watch for you, Lord:
    for your arrival, your appearing,
    for your advent in my life,
    in my mind, my heart, my soul... 
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
    and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Tonight's song invites us to be grateful 
    for how the One we watch for 
        watches over us... 
Watch Over Me by Aaron Shust
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I was lonely
You came waltzing over to me
And Your eyes they saw right through me
And You heard each one of my cries for help
And You came to rescue me
I was broken
Every prayer that I had spoken
Reached Your ears and all my tears weren't cried in vain
You carried all my pain
And put me back together again
You watch over me in the darkest valleys
You watch over me when the night seems long
You help me to see the way before me
You watch over me; You watch over me
Always faithful
To be leading, at this moment
Interceding for Your children
Though I've wandered astray from Your infinite ways
You've never left me alone 
Take this frozen heart; awaken me
Never once have You forsaken me
Take this frozen heart; awaken me
Never once have You forsaken me
Even though I walk through this shadow of death
You will guide and defend me
You'll guard and protect me
Even though I walk through this shadow of death
You will lead me home



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